
From People Pleaser to Self-Leader

Embrace Courage for Personal Growth: Letting Go of People-Pleasing to Live Unapologetically Jun 23, 2024

In our quest for personal growth, the journey is often marked by a significant and daunting challenge: embracing courage. This courage is not just about taking risks or making bold decisions; it is about the deep, internal bravery required to confront and release the habit of people-pleasing. For...

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Signs You Might Be A People Pleaser! Jun 11, 2024

People-pleasing, or the tendency to prioritize others' needs and desires over one's own, can lead to a variety of problems, both for the individual and in their relationships. Here are ten common issues caused by people-pleasing:

1. Burnout: Continuously putting others first can lead to physical...

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Navigating Workplace Drama: 5 Approaches for Nurses Seeking Harmony Apr 28, 2024

 Workplace drama, conflict, and constant complaining can create an environment that is draining and demoralizing. It's understandable to feel tired of it all. But amidst the chaos, there are ways to navigate through and find peace within yourself. Here are five approaches you can consider,...

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Rescuer to Challenger Apr 10, 2024

When I tell people that I teach how to create more energy and well-being in their lives by letting others solve their own problems, a lot of people say, but HOW does that help people achieve real success? Isn’t it difficult to let others struggle.

Well, YES, it is difficult, especially if...

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The #1 Thing - Awareness Apr 06, 2024

How aware are you of why you respond or react to situations?

  • How do you react to other people's emotions? Do you get stressed when others are stressed, even though you feel confident in your ability?
  • How often do you say when you'd rather say no? Why?
  • Do you jump in and rescue others when...
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Cultivating Resilience: Understanding the Impact of Others' Stress on Our Well-being Apr 02, 2024

As healthcare professionals, we are no strangers to stress. Every day, we navigate the complexities of patient care, juggle demanding schedules, and confront the ever-present challenges of the healthcare system. But have you ever stopped to consider how the stress of those around you might be...

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The Vital Importance of Well-Being for Healthcare Professionals Mar 25, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of the healthcare profession, amidst the whirlwind of patient care, paperwork, and relentless demands, it's easy for healthcare professionals to lose sight of one critical element: their own well-being. Yet, maintaining personal well-being isn't just a luxury or a...

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Unlock Your Time and Freedom: Transform Your Life with the Power of "No" Mar 19, 2024

Are you constantly feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day? Do you find yourself overwhelmed, exhausted, and missing out on precious moments with your loved ones? Hi, I'm Sarah Bell, and I've been exactly where you are.

For years, I juggled the demands of a high-pressure job in...

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Finding Balance: Letting Go of Guilt in Nursing Mar 11, 2024

 Let's talk about something that's been weighing on my mind lately—guilt. As nurses, we're no strangers to this feeling. Whether it's feeling guilty about taking time off, making mistakes on the job, or not being able to do enough for our patients, guilt has a way of creeping into our...

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Leading with Empathy: A Shift from Punitive Measures to Relationship-Building in Nursing Leadership Mar 04, 2024

As a nurse leader, have you ever found yourself frustrated, feeling like the only way to get your team to perform is by resorting to disciplinary action? I certainly have. In the early days of my managerial career, I held the belief that authority alone should command respect and compliance. But...

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Facing the Fears: A Nurse's Journey into Leadership Feb 25, 2024

As nurses, you've dedicated your careers to caring for others and navigating through challenges with unwavering dedication and compassion. Yet, when the opportunity arises to step into leadership roles, a myriad of fears may surface, casting shadows on the path ahead. Embracing these fears is the...

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Celebrating Small Wins: Lessons from a Puppy's Achievement Feb 19, 2024

In the world of leadership, especially within the nursing profession, the importance of celebrating small wins can sometimes be overshadowed by the pursuit of major goals and overcoming significant challenges. However, the essence of motivation and positive reinforcement can be beautifully...

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“EmpowerHER: From People Pleaser to Self-Leader”

EmpowerHER: A Transformative 2-Day Online Event For Women Who Are Self-Confessed People Pleasers Longing To Break Free From The Habit, And Shed The Burden Without Feeling Guilty, So They Can Embrace Their True Self, And Live A Wildly Unapologetic Life.

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